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2024-2025 Community Grant Program

The LES PTO is happy to provide grant opportunities to the staff, students, parents, and community members of Circle Grove Preschool, Rockville Elementary School, and Broadmoor Elementary School. The LES PTO will begin accepting grant submissions on August 1, 2024. Grants will be awarded on a first come, first serve basis until the grant funds available for the 2024-2025 school year have been distributed. LES PTO would like to put approximately $10,000 back into our schools for this school year!

Proposals may be for projects, activities, books, equipment, exhibits, field trips, or anything that enhances the academic lives of children at one of the three Louisburg elementary schools. While preference is given to proposals that offer school-wide access to students, teachers and/or parents are also encouraged to submit grant requests that will benefit their individual classroom or grade level. Grant requests are accepted at any time between August 1, 2024 through May 1, 2025, or until funds are depleted. 

Before submitting your grant request, we ask that yet you please review our Community Grant Guidelines below, and speak to the school's Principal to see if your Grant submission qualifies for funding.

Grant Application Form

You may submit your Grant Proposal online via the application link below, or print and return to the PTO mailbox at Rockville Elementary.

All submissions must be approved by the school Principal before submittal.

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